For the past five years a group of bloggers - experts in marketing, customer experience and service, public relations, library sciences, museums, home & interior design, life, retail, flooring and healthcare - have been blogging about what could improve the overall bathroom experience for end users. What started as a group of 10 – 12 bloggers has this year expanded to 40. This blog fest has proved to be a real effective medium for accessing a diverse set of views on a subject in a short span of time. The content is rich with people posting pictures and their experiences around great looking washrooms and what is desirable. It happens every year in the last week of Oct. I am late in posting this – though have been contributing for the last 4 years and did not have the heart to break the chain J
“This year’s theme “Stuck in the 60s?” is inspired by Mad Men, the show that has captured the imaginations of many for its portrayal of life in the 60s when social and cultural taboos meant that many critical aspects of life – like bathrooms – were ignored, glossed over and treated dreadfully,” said Christine B. Whittemore, who manages the Bathroom Blogfest. “The result is that end users suffered. By calling attention to modern day instances that are “Stuck in the 60s?”, we can reinforce the value associated with being more responsive to the end user experience.
But what happens if for the end user – life is really still stuck in the 60s? For a lot of people living in India and South-east Asia, the reality is that their washrooms still have stone / cemented surfaces (as opposed to tiles). The sanitary wear is not always in ceramic…it could stone or some toughened fiber like material on which hard water creates white stains / patches. For a lot of these houses bathrooms are not about squeaky clean shiny surfaces or fresh fragrances. Stains and odors are a reality they live with and bathrooms are forgotten areas of the house – forgotten by everyone else except the woman of the house whose job it is to maintain the minimum standards of hygiene.
This is a fairly large segment of the market that currently is out of the loop of branded bathroom cleaners. They use harsh local products like chemicals to get rid of tough stains and the acrid smelling bleach to kill every other odor in their toilets. For a marketer this is a fairly attractive untapped marketing opportunity.
Where does the problem lie?
Current communication through advertising and to a certain extent even current product formulations do not acknowledge and address this reality. Adverts generally show aesthetically done up, fragrant smelling, spa-like, large bathrooms on which a mere spray and wipe ritual by the lady of the house and the magic of the product would restore it to its former pristine state. Consumers don’t buy this story and buy their product. For starters their bathrooms do not look like the one in the adverts. No matter how of the magic formula is poured – a dark cemented surface is not likely to transform into something else. For the few who even try such product – do not find much evidence of the product working. The ads talk about ‘shine’ as evidence or ‘germ kill’. Both these markers for product performance are difficult to believe. ‘Shine’ is an intrinsic property of certain surfaces and absent in others. Products cannot greatly alter this condition. ‘Germs’ are not visible. In the absence of a visible code for germs - consumers understand ‘germs’ in terms of ‘bad odor’. If a bleach like product neutralizes all odors – germs have been effectively killed. What is the need for a specialized branded cleaner then?
For a long time we have been given to believe – that advertising cannot be realistic. Things will only sell if advertising is aspirational. Aspirational yes…but how much is the question?
Food for thought: What is the brand’s outlay on advertising vis-à-vis product development? No amount of glib talk can compensate for a poor / irrelevant product.
You will find other bloggers contributing to the blogfest this year in the list below
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Blogger Blog Name Blog URL Susan Abbott Customer Experience Crossroads Paul Anater Kitchen and Residential Design Shannon Bilby Big Bob's Outlet Shannon Bilby Carpets N More Blog Shannon Bilby Dolphin Carpet Blog Shannon Bilby From The Floors Up Shannon Bilby My Big Bob's Blog Toby Bloomberg Diva Marketing Laurence Borel Blog Till You Drop Bill Buyok Avente Tile Talk Blog Jeanne Byington The Importance of Earnest Service Becky Carroll Customers Rock! Marianna Chapman Results Revolution Katie Clark Practial Katie Nora DePalma American Standard's Professor Toilet Nora DePalma O'Reilly DePalma: The Blog Leigh Durst LivePath Experience Architect Weblog Valerie Fritz The AwarepointBlog Iris Garrott Checking In and Checking Out Tish Grier The Constant Observer Renee LeCroy Your Fifth Wall Joseph Michelli Dr. Joseph Michelli's Blog Veronika Miller Modenus Blog Arpi Nalbandian TILE Magazine Editor Blog Maria Palma People 2 People Service Reshma Bachwani Paritosh The Qualitative Research Blog David Polinchock Polinchock's Ponderings Victoria Redshaw & Shelley Pond Scarlet Opus Trends Blog David Reich My 2 Cents Sandy Renshaw Around Des Moines Sandy Renshaw Purple Wren Bethany Richmond Carpet and Rug Institute Blog Bruce Sanders RIMtailing Blog Steve Tokar Please Be Seated Carolyn Townes Becoming a Woman of Purpose Stephanie Weaver Experienceology Christine B. Whittemore Flooring The Consumer Christine B. Whittemore Simple Marketing Blog Christine & Ted Whittemore Smoke Rise & Kinnelon Blog Christine B. Whittemore The Carpetology Blog Linda Wright LindaLoo Build Business With Better Bathrooms

You ask an extremely relevant question and also help ground us in reality.
Thank you for your faithful participation in this amazing Bathroom Blogfest Community. I really appreciate it.
Any chance you might make it to NYC soon? It would be nice to meet in person some day soon.
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